Monday, January 23, 2012

Oldest Book in CSU Library

Here's the story: I was at work (yes, I work at a library) and started straightening the shelves.

Notice how the books on the top and bottom shelves are kinda leaning over...I stand the books up so all the shelves look like the middle ones.

I was going through the literature section and started seeing books from the 1930s, which I thought was really cool. Then I saw one had a copyright date of 1920. So cool!

But as I was straightening the shelves, I noticed more and more books that were really old, like 1903, 1895.

Then I saw this on the shelf:

I thought, "Surely, this must be a mistake." So I picked up the book and looked at the title page. Sure enough, there was the copyright date of M.DCCC.LIX (1859).

I'm not actually sure if this is the oldest book in Charleston Southern University's Library or not, but I found it today!